Your Home’s Solar Panel Carbon Footprint

forestHow much will solar panel installation really reduce your carbon footprint? Studies show that using solar instead of conventional energy could cut as much carbon emissions as planting 275 trees! Let’s look at some facts to find out how you can achieve a truly green solar panel installation for your home.

Reduce Solar Panel Carbon Emissions, Increase Home Value

Did you know that 10% of all the energy use in the United States comes from residential power? [1]University of Michigan When it comes to the climate, homes are an important part of the big picture. If you want to make environmentally smart choices about your home, solar panel carbon emissions may be your best option. As an individual homeowner, your positive impact can be surprisingly significant.

Home solar helps the planet, as well as your wallet! Your home’s solar resale value will see an increase of $15,000 on average with green solar panel installation. So that makes solar a great investment as well as an environmentally-conscious choice.

Compare Grid Power with Green Solar Panel Energy

How does a home powered by solar compare to a home powered by the grid? Traditional grid power will come from a combination of sources reliant on fossil fuels. When burning, fossil fuels will emit carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. But by choosing solar over conventional energy, you stop contributing to these carbon emissions. Why don’t we put that into context with some data?

Green solar panel installationEvery 1,000 kWh of energy produced by home solar will prevent 1,102 pounds of CO₂ from finding its way into our atmosphere.[2]State of Rhode Island, Office of Energy Resources The average U.S. household uses around 877 kWh every month, or 29 kWh every day.[3]U.S. Energy Information Administration

So this means your solar panel carbon footprint could be 30 lbs less each day, and 966 lbs each month, than if you’d stayed with that fossil fuel grid power! That means the choices you make about home power could prevent 11,023 lbs of CO₂ from entering the Earth’s atmosphere every single year. A green solar panel installation is one of the most impactful choices you could make to reduce your carbon footprint!

Measuring Your Impact in Trees

Did you know that a fully mature tree absorbs approximately 40 lbs of CO₂ every year?[4]Ten Million Trees If you were to personally plant and raise 275 trees, those trees would absorb about as much carbon emissions as your home solar could prevent in a single year. That’s an exciting statistic! And home solar systems can usually last for 25 to 30 years. So your green solar panel installation could conceivably cut as much CO₂ as planting around 6,889 trees would absorb. But it’s far simpler to install solar panels on your property than to plant a forest in your backyard.

Are you surprised to learn that one household can have such a big impact? You’re not alone! There are some common misconceptions about solar power’s environmental benefits. Try testing the rest of your solar knowledge with a Solar 101 quiz.

(Illustration: green energy by fausan mayeh from the Noun Project)